“Respect Life, Life will respect you.. Protect Nature, Nature will protect you.. Value Time, Time will value you”.

Welcome to this one of it’s kind website, lifentime.com, owned and operated by Narrenaditya Komaragiri, Author, Founder & Chief Admin of the globally popular www.tirumalesa.com that has hundreds of thousands of highly learned followers all across the world today.

With his powerful writing – on various aspects of life, God and spirituality – on tirumalesa.com, Narrenaditya has been transforming countless lives in many countries since 2014. Additionally, Narrenaditya had also authored the globally popular God On Call (English) book that again is bringing many miraculous changes in the lives of scores of people living on this planet.

In an effort to reach varied class of readers, with varied interests, Narrenaditya had created this unique website that will change the way a reader would be looking at life from hereafter. Pretty soon he would be presenting many engaging and life transforming articles and stories on this website on all the topics ranging from Kama Sutra to Krishna Consciousness.

Stay tuned to all the latest stories and articles posted on this site by subscribing with your email in the box below. Every new article or story posted here from now on will be delivered directly into your inbox.

Good Luck

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