“Some are born beautiful; some are made beautiful; and some are beauty thrust upon them”

Who doesn’t want to look beautiful forever..?? However, only a few people in this world know how to actually look beautiful and look so forever.. You will be surprised to know that all the methods they adopt are pretty simple methods.. You can achieve the same by following the below mentioned methods. 

1. Begin Your Day With Water

Volumes have been written about the health benefits of Water so I will not bore you with the same stuff here.. However, there are still a few Golden points I must share with you to derive maximum benefits from water..

Point One : The moment you get up every morning, drink as much water as you can until you actually throw out.. What thus happens is, “your body throws out all the undigested stuff and acid in your stomach and makes you feel light”.. This is an ancient Indian method, many houses in India still practice today, to beat acidity or Acid Reflux and all their related symptoms. Did you know, acidity is the root cause of 70% of our health issues today.

Point Two : If you drink water as a first thing in the morning, it not only provides you relief from your acid reflux symptoms but also removes all the puffiness in your face more so the puffiness around your eyes. Remember, no matter how beautiful you are, a puffed face or eyes makes you look weird.. Everyone in your world notices it but no one, except your mirror, tells you this truth.. PERIOD

Point Three : Water provides instant energy.. Whenever you feel low with weakness, drink a glass full of water, if not a tumbler, and you would instantly find a great amount of energy entering your body.

Point Four : Whenever you feel fatigued or heavy in your head or actually get a headache – caused either by your stress or by working in front of a computer for longer hours – drink a good amount of water and you would find instant relief from all these symptoms. 

The conclusion is, “drinking the right amount of water everyday not only keeps your skin firmer and brighter, for many years to come, but also helps you stay energetic all through your life”. 

2. Walking In The Morning Sunlight

Walking has many benefits and you must have already heard a great deal about them.. However, walking in the early morning Sunlight does a world of good to your skin and body more so to your face..

Everyone talks about so many types of exercises you must do everyday to stay fit but I would say “forget them all and just do brisk walking in morning Sunlight for 30 minutes between 7.00 – 7.30 in Summer and Spring and 8.00 – 8.30 in Winter. and you will see a remarkable change in your skin and it’s tone

It is so, because, Sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D and is also the most powerful Vitamin that your body and skin need to stay healthy and beautiful forever.. Right amount of Vitamin D, derived directly from the Sunlight, keeps your skin healthy, fresh and glowing throughout the day.

Just follow this one method – walking in the Sunlight – regularly for two to three weeks and you will be surprised to notice a good deal of improvement in your complexion, in your skin tone with a great deal of glow in your face. Keep walking, no matter what your age would be that day, and you shall stay strong, healthy and beautiful forever. 

3. Never Skip Breakfast

It’s dangerous to do that. The Westerners and their unproved diet plans say it would help you but it does not.. In fact, it does more harm than good to your body so never skip your breakfast..

Eat well and solid in your breakfast because the last your body received any fuel was several hours before. So, after a good amount of walking in the morning or just after you wake up, you are bound to feel hungry.

Whether or not you feel hungry, eat sumptuously or whatever you feel like eating in your breakfast.. This keeps you charged up all day no matter what you are going to have in your lunch next..

Skipping breakfast withers away your skin early and you may also develop wrinkles or fine lines in your face and neck sooner than expected.. So, to look beautiful and to look so forever, you must have breakfast preferably with an Egg included everyday. 

4. Eat right : Do not follow any diet plan

Did you ever observe your Mom or your grandparents..?? They always looked agile, energetic and enthusiastic about everything in their life.. Did you ever see them following any diet plan like Keto Diet or Mediterranean Diet or Intermittent Fasting..?? I don’t think you have. Then, how is it that they were so strong and agile..??

It is so, because they always lived in communion with Nature and tasted almost everything that it offered them and stayed healthy all their life. Then, why should you choose any diet plan when you have such solid examples before you..?? 

Another fact many do not know is,”God has given us ten thousand taste buds”.. You know why..?? To taste every food that He’s offering us through Nature. According to our Hindu Vedic scriptures, “Our body is a biological Temple.. Therefore, keeping it clean and healthy, by all means and at all times, is the purest form of devotion towards God”..

So, it’s completely a myth to believe, “vegans live more happily and healthily than the non vegans”. The truth is, “vegans or non vegans, the one who eats right and works harder lives happily”.. PERIOD

5. Daily Meditation

Whether or not you know or ever heard before, “daily meditation does wonders to your mind, body and soul and also does many miracles to your life”.  Meditating for about fifteen to thirty minutes a day relieves stress, removes negative thoughts, induces tons of positive energy into your body, regulates your thoughts and calms your mind.. Needless to say “a calm mind gives clearer skin and keeps your body and face glowing forever”.

6. A Moderate Consumption Of Red Wine

It’s true and research proved it.. A moderate consumption of Red Wine helps your body in many ways. Have you ever heard the phrase, the “French Paradox”..?? which broadly means, “French people have a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in  spite of having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats”. Do you wanna know why..?? 

In 1991, Serge Renaud, a scientist from Bordeaux University, France – considered  the father of the phrase, French Paradox – presented the results of his scientific study into the term and actual scientific data behind the perception of this phrase. 

In his elaborate study, which he did in partnership with cardiologist Michel de Lorgeril and dietician Patricia Salen, he found that, “moderate consumption of red wine; created lower cases of cancer, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular disease; partly through increasing HDL cholesterol whilst reducing LDL cholesterol”. (Source : Wikipedia) PERIOD

In my own study, on this most interesting topic on beauty, I found that, “the French, as is their habit for ages, consume one glass of Red Wine everyday during Dinner and that is helping them to stay strong, healthy, slim and beautiful”..

The presence of chemical Resveratrol in Red Wine – a type of natural phenol and a phytoalexin produced by several plants – is doing the trick here. You will further be surprised to know, “Resveratrol is used as a medicine for treating high cholesterol, cancer, heart disease and many other adverse health conditions today”..PERIOD 

And did you ever wonder why and how the Hollywood beauties look so beautiful and graceful no matter what their age is today.. The secret is, “Red Wine’.. Now, my conclusion here is, “a moderate, I repeat moderate, drinking of Red Wine – one glass a day – not only keeps you beautiful and graceful forever but also protects you from many adverse health conditions”. AMEN

7. Socializing And Mingling With The World

Now, tell me.. When are you yourself..?? When are you what you are..?? When are you just you are, at least momentarily, free from all your daily problems, family issues, relationship matters, career stresses and responsibility burdens..?? Any idea..??

Let me tell you, it is when you are with your friends more so with your school friends or childhood friends. It is in their company that you forget yourselves, forget everything and once again become a child, hopping a little, jumping a little, singing a little and smiling a lot.. 

It is then when you are with people you like the most, you smile a lot; It is then when you smile a lot, you are de-stressing; it is then when you are de-stressing, your body relaxes; it is then when your body is relaxing, you are living life to its fullest; and it is then when you are living your life to its fullest, you are young, energetic hale, healthy and beautiful.

I know you understood what I am saying, so saying any further on this point is useless.. Just go.. Life is calling.   

8. Good Amount Of Sleep

​Sleep is the most essential need of our life after food. Just as eating right is important to our body, sleeping well is important to our mind, body and soul. Eight hours a day is considered a “good amount of sleep” by researchers and if you can get that – both in terms of time and sleep – you are a queen. Such sleep keeps your facial skin fresh and glowing and you, beautiful forever.

In olden days, people slept in two parts. For about six hours during the night and for two hours in the afternoon.. Their lifestyles allowed them that luxury but in today’s world of terabyte speed, it’s something not everyone can afford. However, having a short nap of at least 15 minutes, after lunch, will do a world of good to your face and your beauty. If you come across someone who never seems to age, remember, this is their secret. 

Most importantly, no matter what time you go to bed, make sure you sleep for at least six hours. Among these six hours if you sleep well for four hours it’s enough even though you are just lying down on the bed for the rest of two hours thinking about all the nonsense in the world.

Researchers say, “lying down on the bed for a minimum of six hours is important for your body although sleeping well for four hours is good enough for you to perform your duties normally the next day”.  The conclusion is “while a sleepless faces wither early, a sleepful face stays beautiful forever”

“Appearing beautiful is as important as being beautiful; because, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder too not just in you” 


Amulya Komaragiri



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